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Thermal imaging survey

What is energy efficiency?
First of all, it is the rational and economical use of energy resources. Nowadays, the concept of rationality and efficiency is becoming increasingly important as energy prices are constantly rising. For residential private and multi-apartment buildings and public buildings, this problem is solved primarily by insulating building envelopes, replacing windows, modernizing or replacing heating systems.

A little bit about insulation.
Today, there are many offers for thermal insulation on the service market. There are also a lot of building materials for insulation work. However, very often, relying on your own knowledge, you can spend large sums of money without getting the desired result. After the modernization of your house, the microclimate of the premises may change, which will lead to a deterioration in the operational suitability of the premises. After all, insulation is also a science, and it begins with a survey, namely a thermal imaging survey of structures.

What is thermal imaging inspection?
This is an instrumental inspection of the surfaces of structures using special equipment – a thermal imager. The thermal imager allows you to see the infrared thermal radiation of objects, so you can see defects inaccessible to the human eye:

  • cold bridges
  • areas of high humidity of structures and materials
  • defects in insulation and finishing
  • defects in heating and ventilation systems
  • loose joints of structures, cracks, cracks, etc.

All of the above defects have a significant impact on energy consumption, the general condition of structures and the microclimate of the premises.Our company performs thermal imaging inspection using modern equipment made in Germany. The objects of inspection can be residential private and apartment buildings, public and industrial buildings, as well as individual premises and structures.

What does a thermal imaging inspection give you?
A thermal imager shows you the real existing condition of structures that cannot be assessed visually. This equipment, fixing the thermal radiation of objects, displays the temperature values of structures at each point of the surface.After analyzing the collected information, we point out the most significant places of heat loss. Also, having extensive experience in the field of inspection and design, we give you recommendations on how to eliminate the identified defects.Experience shows that the right solution for insulation is not always obvious, we will give you the opportunity to save money by performing insulation wisely.