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Expert evaluation

The specialists of our organization carry out expert evaluation of construction projects for private investors and publicly funded facilities, regardless of the class of consequences, in all sectors of the economy (except coal and nuclear energy) that do not contain state secrets throughout Ukraine.

The setting of prices for expertise services and, in fact, the expertise itself are carried out in accordance with the current state requirements in accordance with the “Guidelines for determining the cost of construction” approved by the order of the No. 281 of the Ministry of Regional Development dated November 01, 2021.

Our experts have been trained and have the following certificates:

  • Leading expert with the right to perform the examination of project documentation in terms of ensuring the strength and stability of construction objects of consequence class CC3 (significant consequences)
  • Construction expert with the right to perform the estimated part of the project documentation
  • Leading construction expert in terms of ensuring operational safety and labor protection requirements, ensuring noise protection of construction objects of consequence (liability) class CC3 (significant consequences)
  • Construction expert of the first category in terms of ensuring the safety of human life and health, environmental protection, ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of construction objects of the class of consequences (liability) CC2 (medium consequences)
  • Leading construction expert in terms of compliance with fire and man-made safety requirements of construction objects of consequence (liability) class CC3 (significant consequences)
  • Leading expert in the field of energy saving of construction objects of consequence (liability) class CC3 (significant consequences)

The examination period ranges from 15 to 30 days (as required by state standards), depending on the type and complexity of the documentation, but in fact, the work is performed in a shorter time (with the timely submission of all necessary documents).

In order to order a project evaluation, you need to download the form Questionnaire in PDF format, Questionnaire in PDF formator, if you need to perform an Expert Assessment, the  file EA questionnaire in PDF format, fill in the fields in this PDF file by opening it in a new browser window, or fill in this file in a PDF editor program and save it after filling it out. To avoid the difficulties of importing the generated document into the system, it is advisable to fill out the form in the program AdobeReader. fill in the fields in this PDF file by opening it in a new browser window, or fill in this file in a PDF editor program and save it after filling it out. To avoid the difficulties of importing the generated document into the system, it is advisable to fill out the form in the program

After that, send the above completed form file to the following email address e@nastroy.biz any other convenient way.

All fields should be filled in carefully and attentively, especially the name of the object, the name and details of the customer, as this information will be reflected in the contract and the expert opinion. Please be careful!

The questionnaire should include the designer’s contact person and email address, which will make it easier for our experts to contact them if they have any questions or comments on the project.

In order to start working, experts need a certain package of documents; this package does not vary too much depending on the area of expertise being performed.

Please follow the link List of documents to be provided

when performing an expert review of design and estimate documentation. Also, according to the law, from 01.08.2021, the designer must submit an electronic version of the project to the portal of the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction and provide the documentation number (the documentation must be valid and in the status Registered, entered by the registrar).

If necessary, we provide advice and support on entering the documentation into the Unified State System.

For more efficient work of the expert, all project documentation should be submitted electronically. This is a prerequisite for estimate documentation.

After reviewing the design and estimate documentation, the experts generate comments, which are usually sent by email to the designer for correction. The task of the designer is to eliminate the comments and send the corrected documentation to the experts within the period of the examination. Upon receipt of the corrected project, the expert draws up a positive conclusion, which is issued to the customer of the examination. The expert opinion is also entered into the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction and the corresponding file is issued to the customer for further issuance of a permit for construction work, if necessary. The customer is also provided with a printed copy of the expert opinion.

How to work with us

  1. You provide us with a completed questionnaire
  2. Questionnaire or Questionnaire for EA (Sample of filling out the questionnaire)
  3. You provide us with a project in electronic form and a package of documents in paper form with signatures and seals of responsible persons and organizations, according to List of documents.
  4. Our specialist prepares a contract for you to sign and an invoice for payment. According to the law, the prepayment is 100% under the contract.
  5. We carry out an expert review of project documentation. Comments are promptly sent to the designer. You pay for the expertise in a timely manner.
  6. Experts check the elimination of comments.
  7. An expert report is generated in paper form and registered in the USEC, after providing a code to the project documentation from the USEC (the document must be valid, registered, entered by the registrar).
  8. The expert report is provided to the customer’s authorized representative in paper and electronic form.